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History 2023

50th Reunion and After Party - A Great Success

We will take comments like "What a wonderful couple of events! My most enjoyable weekend in ages"  and "fantastic event" as endorsement that the 50th Reunion and After Party were a great success.  Having 93 attendees at the 50th Re-union and 61 coming along to the next day after party was a great turnout.

My favourite parts of the weekend in no particular order was the comaraderie of our entire group with each other.  Old friends mixed with new friends in an atmosphere of convivial conversation was simply wonderful.

Video courtesy of Ian Carragher


The school tour on the Friday was fun with hilarious laughter at the antics we used to get up to.  The new headmaster was charming and enjoyed learning of much of the history of the school first hand from some of the school pupils of '73.

Michael Rayner's talk was facinating how he combined an ethos of structure, nature, art and craft to guide his wonderful archtitectural designs.  Using designs of the DNA helix to guide bridge design, or the strength of trees to help solve structural problems of building was facinating. The passion and enjoyment was evident in Michael's discussion of his favourite project of the Dinosaur House.  His personal experience of the Brisbane floods was moving and the design response to broken wharves with gates that could automatically swing open in a flood was so smart. 



The Sunday highlight was no doubt the musical talent of the "band".  The music was just great and a huge thanks to Andrew Hoyle, Neale Morison, Raoul Hawkins, Simon Fraser, Jim Marjoram and singers Sue Hoyle and friend plus the guest drummer for putting on such enjoyable entertainment.  It was obvious that not only the audience was having fun but the band were having a great time playing together.  I am sure we will be able to get the band together for a future event.

Video courtesy of Adrian Graham


Thanks to those who have posted photos and videos capturing the fun of the weekend events, particularly Ian Carragher and Adrian Graham.  



We Need Your Photos by Sunday 22 October 2023

As previously advised we are retiring this year for the 50th reunion and after party the grainy photos from the school magazine displayed in previous events.


We are asking both classmates and teachers who are attending either event  to send in 10 photos of themselves, family, friends, pets, anything over the last 60+ years. Please forward to keithrlongworth@gmail.com by Sunday 22 October 2023 (the earlier the better)


The photos received already show the interesting progression from our young selves to our current state and should help us in the recognition process at our events.  The photos also indicate such a variety of interests and things that happened in our lives that will act as great talking points.


One of the photos of earlier days will be put on our name tags so please send the photos in.  The others will be put in a slideshow.  If you have digital photos send them in as is.  Taking photos from your phone of old photos should work fine if you don't have a scanner.  If you can remember when and where the photos were taken list this in the email


For those who have already sent photos in, please check the Forum on our class website where a sample of 2 of the photos should be in postings.  If not, please contact me

Ken Morrey


Final Numbers - 93 Re-Union, 61 After party

Fantastic response to the 50th Re-union with 93 attending and 61 for the next day after party.  The 50th Re-union commences at 6pm on Saturday 28 October 2023 at the Manly 16' Skiff Club and the After Party on Sunday 29 October at midday.  Both events have been paid for and numbers locked in.

Room for One More

Room for 1 more as Steve Satchell, a maths teacher in our final years just indicated that he would fly from the UK with Adam Sapera to join us on the 50th Reunion.  


Adam & Steve walking in Hyde Park, London

  Surname School Tour (Fri) 50th re-union (Sat) After Party (Sun) Photos Sent
Enzo Andreano   1    
Bruce  Batterham   2 1 10
Geoff Baxter   1 1  
Greg Bell (teacher)   1   2
Alan Bensoussan   1 1 6
Geoff Boulton   2 2  
Rob Brittain   1    
Bruce  Butler   1   10
Ian Carragher   2 2 10
Greg Clark   2 1  
Russell Codling     1  
Tim Connell   1 2 2
Malcolm Crofts 1      
Andrew Crooks 1 1    
Greg Crowe   1    
Colin Cussel 1 1 1 10
James Daniel 1 2 2 10
Stephen Dickinson   1   10
Michael  Dodd   1   10
David Feather   1    
Alan Feldman   1 1 10
Paul Fookes 2 2 2 10
Laurie Foy   1    
Simon Fraser   1 2  
Steve Gellert   1    
Graham Gibbs   1 1 10
Brian Goodall   1 1 10
Adrian Graham   2 2 10
Brett Hannaford 1 1 1 10
Raoul Hawkins   1 1  
Andrew Hoyle   1 3  
Noel Hutley   1    
David Ivers   1 1  
Peter Jewkes   1   10
Geoff Jones   1   10
Ray Jones   2 1  
Rod Leonarder 1 1 1 10
Keith Longworth 1 2 2 10
Steve Lowndes 2 1 1 10
Hugh Lukins   1    
Bill Lyons 1 1 1 10
Jim Marjoram 1 1 1 10
Norm Matheson   1 1  
George Mavros   2    
Bill McCallum   1 1 10
Ken McLoughlin 1 1 1 10
Grant Mitchell   1 1  
David Morgan   1    
Neale Morison   1 1  
Ken Morrey     1 10
Chris Moyes   1 1  
Bernie Newsom (teacher)   1   10
Paul O'Donnell   2   10
George Petrou        
David Rankin   1   10
Alan Rassaby   1 1 10
Michael  Rayner   1 1 10
Stephen Richardson   1    
Alan Rousselot   1    
Adam Sapera   1 1  
Steve Satchell (teacher)   1    
Geoff Saunders   1 1  
Tony Schlosser   2    
Gary Seaton   2 2 5
Peter Sheldon   1 1  
Garbis Simonian   1    
George Smith   1 1  
David Snell   2 2  
Marty Sonnenberg   1 1 10
Colin Spearman   1   10
David Spence   2 2  
Anthony Spencer   1    
Morten Storaker   2 2 10
Mark Walsh   1    
Kelvin Ward (teacher)   1    
Julie Ward (teacher)   1    
Neil Warren   1    
Bruce  Watson   1    
Tony  Weston   2 2 10
Glen Winslade   1 1  
  Total 14 93 61 335

Last updated 24/10/2023



Main Dinner Speaker 50th Reunion - Michael Rayner

For the main dinner speaker we are pleased to have invited internationally renowned architect Michael Rayner who is one of our classmates to talk.


Have you ever wondered how those magnificent buildings such as Queensland Performing Arts Centre or the National Maritime Museum of China get creatively designed and built.  Well come along to the 50th Re-union and find out because Michael led the architectural teams who created them.


Queensland Performing Arts Centre


National Maritime Museum of China


Michael has also had the unfortunate experience of twice being of victim of the Brisbane river floods that caused significant damage to his house.  He will give insights into what he learned from the experience and the helpfulness of friends, family and community.


Michael's unexpected swimming pool connected to the Brisbane river


Michael’s list of achievements is a mile (1.6km) long and includes being appointed a Member of the Order of Australia in 2011 for his services to architecture.  You can read his many of his accomplishments at https://blightrayner.com.au/team/michael-rayner-am/

Other speakers on the night will be Keith Longworth giving a Welcome speech and James Daniel a closing talk on all the activities that have and are being organised for NSBHS1973.

Bill Lyons will give a welcome speech at the After Party barbeque on the Sunday and a recap of the night before at the reunion



School Tour Fri 27 October 2023

Many thanks to James Daniel who has arranged for the Headmaster of NSBHS, Mr Brian Ferguson to give our class group a personal tour of the school

School Tour Friday 27th October   (The day before the 50th Anniversary Re-union Dinner at Manly) 


Time:  3.20pm for a 3.30pm start. Estimated duration ~ 45 Minutes. 

Date:   Friday 27th October. 

Meeting place:  B Quad 

Enter via the pedestrian gate on Falcon St, it leads directly to B Quad, between the Hall and B Block.   

To assist with logistics , we need to know if you plan to attend. 

If you are attending, please RSVP an email to James Daniel  jmtdaniel10@gmail.com


Last chance for payment for 50th Re-union and After Party is Friday 11 August 2023

It is now 3 months till the 50th re-union on Saturday 28 October at 6pm at Manly 16’ Skiff Club and the recovery barbeque on Sunday 29 October at Narrabeen Surf Lifesaving club at midday.

We are going to make final payment to both organisations in 2 weeks time so we all have this last chance to decide about coming along to one or both events.  The location at the Manly 16’ Skiff club is superb being on the water as is Narrabeen Surf Club with direct views of the surf.



On the Sunday after party Andrew Hoyle and Neil Morison will entertain us with some music.  Anyone who wants to bring along a musical instrument to join them is most welcome.  Please let Andrew know in advance and he can co-ordinate something with you.  Andrew can be contacted on 0414 184 856.



50 years seemed to have passed really fast so take this opportunity to re-connect to your old classmates.  Sadly, we have sadly lost some of our classmates recently and one day it might be too late.  But now it is not too late, so make the effort, you will be pleasantly surprised what an enjoyable group of people we have matured into.

The attendance list below has been checked against bank receipts.  If however you believe your payment has been missed please contact me by phone 0417 277 112 or email keithrlongworth@gmail.com  (don’t forget the “r”)

The final date for receipt of monies is Friday 11 August.  Payment can be made to our class bank account. 


Account Name           







Your name




50th reunion


Both Events

1 person




2 persons





First Name Surname 50th re-union (Sat) After Party (Sun) Updated
Enzo Andreano 1   new
Bruce  Batterham 2 1  
Geoff Baxter 1 1  
Greg Bell (teacher) 1   new
Alan Bensoussan 1 1  
Geoff Boulton 2 2  
Rob Brittain 1   new
Ian Carragher 2 2  
Greg Clark 2 1 new
Russell Codling 1 1 new
Tim Connell 1 2  
Andrew Crooks 1    
Greg Crowe 1    
Colin Cussel 1 1  
James Daniel 2 2  
Stephen Dickinson 1    
Michael  Dodd 1    
Paul Fookes 2 2  
Laurie Foy 1    
Steve Gellert 1    
Graham Gibbs 1 1 new
Brian Goodall 1 1 new
Adrian Graham 2 2  
Brett Hannaford 1 1  
Raoul Hawkins 1 1  
Andrew Hoyle 2 2 new
Noel Hutley 1   new
David Ivers 1 1  
Peter Jewkes 1    
Geoff Jones 1    
Ray Jones 2 1 new
Rod Leonarder 1 1  
Keith Longworth 2 2  
Steve Lowndes 1 1  
Bill Lyons 1 1  
Jim Marjoram 1 1  
Norm Matheson 1 1  
George Mavros 2   new
Bill McCallum 1 1  
Ken McLoughlin 1 1  
Grant Mitchell 1 1  
David Morgan 1    
Neale Morison 1 1  
Ken Morrey   1 new
Chris Moyes 1 1 new
Bernie Newsom (teacher) 1   new
Paul O'Donnell 2   new
George Petrou 1 1  
David Rankin 1    
Michael  Rayner 1 1  
Stephen Richardson 1    
Alan Rousselot 1    
Geoff Saunders 1 1 new
Tony Schlosser 2    
Gary Seaton 1 1  
Peter Sheldon 1 1  
Garbis Simonian 1    
George Smith 1 1 new
David Snell 2 2 new
Marty Sonnenberg 1 1 new
Colin Spearman 1    
David Spence 2 2  
Anthony Spencer 1   new
Morten Storaker 2 2  
Mark Walsh 1    
Kelvin Ward 1    
Julie Ward 1    
Neil Warren 1   new
Bruce  Watson 1    
Tony  Weston 2 2  
Glen Winslade 1 1  
  Total 87 55  


     Last updated: 12 August 2023



Weekend at Bill Lyon's Farm in Narooma 

What can we say, another brilliant, fantastic weekend spent with old friends and new friends.  A special thank you to our host, Bill Lyons who organised such fun filled activities and was such a gracious host sharing his lovely family farm with us.  To everyone who attended thank you for your company, your wonderful good humour and sharing so many of those expereinces of your life that made the weekend so enjoyable.

The unofficial resident photographer and videographer Ian Carragher, as well as others will no doubt post more photos and videos of the weekend


Those who came along

Bill Lyons

Andrew & Sue Hoyle

Neil Rickard

Ian & Sue Carragher

Ken McLoughlin

Adrian Graham

Bruce & Lisa Batterham

Norm Matheson

Colin Cussel

Geoff & Marie Boulton   

James Daniel

Keith & Rosemarie Longworth


Weekend at Bill Lyon's Farm in Narooma followed by Snowy Mountain walks


Bill Lyons has graciously offered to host NSBHS1973 classmates at his family farm in Narooma (4.5 hours south of Sydney).  As you can see from the photos it is adjacent to the ocean with glorious rural views.  Bring your swimming costumes and tennis racquets or just laze around with old friends (or new friends)


Bills family farm

Arrive on Friday 24 March between 2pm and 5pm or later with departure for Mountain walks on Monday morning.  Ken & James are organizing walks and accommodation in the Snowy Mountains  See Forum posts for details.

If you have ever been on one of our weekends away (Gulgong or Port Macquarie) you will know they are just a hoot, so enjoyable, so much fun  Everyone is welcome to come along with or without partners.


Those intending to come along so far.  (updated 24/2/2023)

Bill Lyons

Bruce Batterham & Lisa

Geoff Boulton

Ian & Sue Carragher

Colin Cussel

James Daniel

Adrian Graham (Narooma only)

Andrew & Sue Hoyle

Keith & Rosemarie Longworth (Narooma only)

Norm Matheson

Ken McLoughlin

Neil Rickard

(Looking a fun crew !!!)



Stones throw from the ocean (well a good throw)


Outline of Planned Activities

Friday, March 24th – Monday 27th, 2023

Location: “Haddington”, 7207 Princes Highway, NAROOMA, 2546, NSW

                  (Approx 4.5 hours driving south of Sydney)


How to get there?   Keep on (A1) Princes Highway and drive through the township of Narooma heading south, and out of town towards Bega and Melbourne. The last buildings of the town are the Narooma High School complex (on the left). Notice the speed indicator signs for the “School Zone” speed change down to 40 KPHh during the start and end of school hours. Where the traffic speed sign signalling the end of the zone (where the road speed returns to 80 KPH), immediately past this on the left is a driveway leading to a gate into a farm property called “Haddington”. You’ve arrived!  Proceed through the gate (please close it after you’ve gone through as there’s livestock that we don’t want to get out!) and follow the driveway approx. 1.2 Km out to the house. The property is 72 acres and is a favourite holiday destination for my family. The place is owned by my wife’s sister, Robyn. 


What to bring?  If you are camping then you’ll need a tent and your own sleeping and camping gear. The camp site has water and a toilet but is not powered. If you are staying in the house, then you’ll need to bring your own bed sheets and a towel. We have blankets and pillows. Make sure you bring swimmers and a beach towel as well as some walking shoes!

If you play tennis, pack a racquet and some runners as we’ll be sure to fit in a challenge game as Keith Longworth is keen to test his on-court skills.


Timing for Arrival:  Plan to get to Narooma between 2.00 pm and 5.00 pm on Friday afternoon, if possible, although having said that come whenever suits you over the 4 days – if you can’t be there for the whole time that’s fine, come and go when it suits you. 

Relax after your journey! Set up camp by the lake on the property  if you wish. 

No one lives on the property permanently but we have a great arrangement with the Agriculture teachers and staff at Narooma High School (our next door neighbour) who agist their stock on the property  in return for maintenance and other property services like slashing and fence work, for example).


Friday 24th March

Activity #1 – Beach Walk along Glasshouse Rocks Beach at 5.00 pm followed by a BBQ dinner back at the house. 


Saturday 25th March 

Breakfast at the house

Activity #2 – 10.00 am Visit to Bermagui (25 Kms) to see Camel Rock and Horsehead Rock formations. After a swim, lunch at the Camel Rock Brewery and on the way back to Narooma, call in to see Tilba village.  A casual dinner is planned at a local Nepalese restaurant at 6.30 pm.

Sunday 26th March 

Breakfast at the house

Activity #3 – 10.00 am Bushwalk on Mt Dromedary (“Gulaga”) to visit “The Tors” (these are extraordinary granite outcrops located two-thirds of the way up the mountain that are sacred to the local indigenous Yuin people). Duration: 2-3 hours. Return via Mystery Bay for a swim. 

The afternoon is “free time” – perhaps a hit of tennis or golf for those inclined at the Narooma Golf Club – it has the famous “Winfield” hole (par 3) made famous by Paul Hogan in the 70s when he did the TV ad there for the cigarette brand of the same name.

Dinner is planned at 6.30 pm at Dalmeny (Fish and Chips on the Beach front) 

The Tors

Monday 27th March

Breakfast at the house

Nothing planned so it is “free time” for all. You can go surfing, walking, fishing, canoeing (on the lake) or more sight-seeing?

Depart at your leisure for Cooma in the Snowy Mountains (suggest go via Brown Mountain and Nimmitabel to Cooma will take a bit over 2 hours), or head back to Sydney and beyond.


The original idea of coming to Narooma was to provide a place to break-up the long drive down to the Snowy Mountains – the venue for the bushwalk arranged by James and Kenny for our old Classmates.  But if people want to come down and enjoy what Narooma has to offer even if they are not heading over to do that leg of bushwalking, then please know that this is perfectly fine to do as well.  Just let us know what you intend doing and we’ll do our best to accommodate you and what your schedule might be. 


Email: billyons01@gmail.com

Phone: +61 412 449 310


Re-union Planning #7 on Tuesday 31 January at 7:30pm

Catch the latest planning activities for the 50th Re-union on Forum Posting #991.  Session recorded on Zoom for those interested.  Discover which classmate played double bass and featured on David Bowie China Girl  video.  Very cool.




New Events & Re-unions page


With so much happening with NSBHS1973 we have added a page Events & Re-unions for publishing all the events that are being planned.  Thank you James Daniel for the good suggestion.

For those interested in 50th Re-union and other activity plans all the Zoom sessions are recorded.  By the way this is not an exclusive planning group, everyone is welcome to participate.

Other menu items provide access to videos and photos of previous re-unions.


Record Interest in Website

Thanks to all those who have posted on the Forum and helped organise re-unions and activities.  We have had an all time record number of 92 classmates who have visited the website in the last 30 days.